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Update on opioid related overdoses on toxicology reports


Department of Health and Human Services
Sherri Z. Heller

4/13/2016 10:00 PM

Media Contact:

Laura McCasland    (916) 875-2008


Contact: Samantha Mott
                                                                                                            Communication & Media Officer
Cell (916) 642-5508


We are sad to announce that there has been another death related to the fentanyl poisonings.  There have been two additional overdose cases bringing the number to 51, including 11 deaths, one in Yolo County and 10 in Sacramento County. 

Regarding toxicology results, Sacramento County Coroner Kim Gin says, "We are still waiting for the results of the remaining two tests." 

Public Health continues to advise residents to decline from taking prescription-type pills that are not prescribed by and obtained from one's own physician and/or pharmacy.

Any unused pills should be properly disposed of in appropriate containers or turned over to law enforcement.  If you believe that you are in possession of counterfeit prescription drugs please contact the DEA tip line at 530-722-7577.

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